WeChat HubSpot

HubSpot & WeChat/WeCom

Manage WeChat accounts and chat history sync in HubSpot, track interactions, and utilize HubSpot Marketing/Sales/Service tools for all-in-one WeChat marketing.

Sync contacts from WeChat to HubSpot

Automatically identify and capture marketing leads from WeChat followers, nurture and convert WeChat users into sales leads, and automatically sync contacts in HubSpot CRM.


Private message replies, cultivate customers through high-quality content marketing.

WeChat Official Account is an excellent content marketing platform. Users can gain a large number of fans through online activities.


Expand the automation reply feature for WeChat /WeCom

By integrating private messaging, connecting with HubSpot, and setting up customized reply workflows, you can now independently configure automated responses. This feature allows you to sync leads within HubSpot CRM, update user tags on the official account, and enhance your lead nurturing and conversion efforts. Drive the conversion of sales leads from WeChat into sales opportunities, leading to successful transactions.